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A 3-star bicentenary hotel

Hotel Europe MorlaixHotel Europe MorlaixHotel Europe Morlaix

The Hotel de L'Europe ...  over 200 years old...

In 1792, the building was the private residence of Count Claude Haudeneau de Breugnon.  The Count de Breugnon died in Paris on 6 September 1792 without any descendants.  Due to the revolution, the inheritance was a long procedure and was only finalised in 1813.  The families Saliou Chef du Bois, Le Bihan de Pennélé and de Coëtlosquet shared the property.

Hôtel du Grand Turc, Hôtel de l’Europe, Hôtel de Paris, Hôtel de l’Europe 

After the death of Count de Breugnon, the residence was divided up : the part nearest the town hall, known as « La maison neuve » or « La grande maison » was rented to a merchant then sold in 1806 to  Gabriel Bourdoulous.  Antoine Maillard signed a lease for the part of the building along Aiguillon bridge and rue du Pavé. At the end of the 18th century it became the Hotel du Grand Turc.

In September 1816 a new manager, Pierre-Charles Lardet, changed the name to the Hotel de l’Europe, then the Hotel de Paris, in 1823, after having bought a third of the building from the Baron Jean-Baptiste de Coëtlosquet.
In 1846, Monsieur Lardet carried out renovation works and renamed the establishment the Hotel de l’Europe. Since then, the hotel has undergone a number of extensions (1885, 1892, 1929) and renovations.

Mr Guillaume Pellerin has been running the hotel since October 2012.